Post #435,811
8/20/20 3:35:45 PM
8/20/20 3:35:45 PM

What Weingarten said. " English word should be pronounced with a “shtr” sound."
bcnu, Mikem
It's mourning in America again.
Post #435,816
8/20/20 4:21:12 PM
8/20/20 4:21:12 PM

Have you heard him speak?
He sounds like Donald Duck, his words fall out of his face in a seemingly random jumble of syllables, he has a terrible command of metre and volume, and should join you in backing down.
I'm no great public speaker, but then I'm not the one criticising Michelle Obama.
Post #435,819
8/20/20 4:55:13 PM
8/20/20 4:55:13 PM

Heh. "Criticizing her." Because I said her speech was good?
Are we really at the point where saying that something is good but not great is actually considered criticism? Or that, depending upon the speaker, the mispronunciation of words is not to be pointed out because that would be unfair criticism? How old are you? Did you grow up in the period where "Everyone gets a trophy"™? We had a period like that. You, too?
bcnu, Mikem
It's mourning in America again.
Post #435,820
8/20/20 4:58:18 PM
8/20/20 4:58:18 PM

You damned with faint praise and then went on with insults.
Post #435,821
8/20/20 5:00:35 PM
8/20/20 5:00:35 PM

That's not all you said
I said it was a good speech.
It's lazy and extraordinarily grating. Worse, it detracts from whatever is being said. Your observation that she has this dialect is perceptive. It's condescending and extraordinarily grating. Worse, it detracts from whatever is being said. What? I said it was perceptive?
Post #435,835
8/20/20 7:18:21 PM
8/20/20 7:18:21 PM

I replied to Box, below re 'Language Itself' This for you:
Had you not made the connection that 'Schlurring' a familar word ..has subliminal connotations of ~"a drunk trying to speak"? Subliminal--it is Every-when--in all of Us. And it needs no internal dialogue--in event of a triggering usage--for that to excite the Emotional center.. only much later ... the intellectual i.e.
A koan I've verified is: The Instinctive (say, 'center'-of-brain) is Fastest, [OUCH-stove is HOT] followed by The Emotional, also very-much faster than The intellectual, slowest: it has so-many intertwined memory-places to connect (as does the Emotional == but it does so such faster)
This was not a point made by Mike, but it's My point. And I have already made clear that I Loved her presentation. I am not caviling over her affliction, just noting that it could have caused some to undervalue her assertions: without even knowing 'Why' ..a Negativity crept in. Have caught-self in just this brain-speed-bias thing, also compared it with and via others' experience of the phenom. Por moi this is as clear as, cause/effect. YMMV.
Language + Elocution! are vastly more complex than say, making a fission-bomb via knowing what a couple spare neutrons can DO ... to a Civilization, forever. I wot.
Post #435,855
8/21/20 11:20:10 AM
8/21/20 11:20:10 AM

It is simple mispronunciation.
From above, "It turns out that professional linguists have been discussing it passionately among themselves, in their blogs and whatnot. It is an example of something called 'alveopalatal assimilation,' and though everyone agrees it is on the upswing, there is no consensus on why. It does not appear to be of regional or ethnic origin."
You know what's lazy? Using "it's just my dialect" as an excuse for mispronunciation.
bcnu, Mikem
It's mourning in America again.
Post #435,858
8/21/20 11:56:37 AM
8/21/20 11:56:37 AM

what about frogtalking? woman rasping like a frog on purpose not regional put epidemic
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
Post #435,860
8/21/20 12:08:52 PM
8/21/20 12:08:52 PM

Vocal fry
Post #435,867
8/21/20 3:55:22 PM
8/21/20 4:32:40 PM

Thank you /thank you: a Keeper. [Ed}.
Movin' pitchures w/ Sound! to boot. Nice that speech pathologists have Named the irritants--and this compact essay clarifies a bunch.
What I didn't see there, though: some analysis of (what may also be an artifact of my hearing's particular frequency-graph du jour): young women whose 'fricatives' ... causes them to sound like Minnie Mouse. Impossible to be sure if It's Moi or: does anyone know what I mean /have heard this? It is as-if they are mixing a treble/falsetto into most words; producing near a bird-like Valley-speak irritation, in the jelloware.
Humans! ... even their mouth noises can irritate as much as communicate, (especially when we mix in some momentary pecksniffery).
PS: obviously you paid Attention in 'dialect class'. (In retrospect, I wish I'd attended such, early-on); imagine the advantage, even: in just normal debating tactics! But one must never stoop to Menace-ware pure-Nastiness re an opponent's speech impediment--advice that only such as a Menace (could not even understand). We're sometimes Lucky via his auto-destruct pig-ignorance made visible; alas--his Base *feeds on it. Thus {still} may KIll Us All.
* I ƒeare that this IS the Damocles' Sword overhanging the entire Planet: Iggerance writ Large, en masse. :-/

Edited by Ashton
Aug. 21, 2020, 04:32:40 PM EDT
Post #435,859
8/21/20 12:07:07 PM
8/21/20 12:07:07 PM

Lighten up, Francis a variety of language whose identity is fixed by a factor other than geography (such as social class) Can you explain why pronouncing words one way is "lazy" compared to another way? If I were to try to speak in a different dialect than my own, it would be harder. But you seem to take the position that there is a "correct" pronunciation and that anything else is not just "wrong" but "lazy". And "lazy" of course is bad and less worthy.
Post #435,862
8/21/20 12:48:25 PM
8/21/20 12:48:25 PM

Because he needs to find fault to feel superior
Feelings..... Nothing more than feelings.....
Post #435,863
8/21/20 1:59:53 PM
8/21/20 1:59:53 PM

Yeah. Right. I *feel* proper pronunciation is important.
And I reject as lazy failing to make an effort to do so. And I find it appalling that a person would rather hand wave an excuse that smacks of "you're picking on me because of my dialect" when it has fuck all to do with dialect. It is lazy to not learn to speak properly. I'm done.
bcnu, Mikem
It's mourning in America again.
Post #435,873
8/21/20 4:59:12 PM
8/21/20 4:59:12 PM

C'mon crazy: 'Projection' is reserved /expected from the forces of The Menace, not the sentient.
Post #435,864
8/21/20 2:02:13 PM
8/21/20 2:02:13 PM

Skipped the first three. Well done.
a: a regional variety of language distinguished by features of vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation from other regional varieties and constituting together with them a single language
b: one of two or more cognate (see COGNATE entry 1 sense 3a) languages
c: a variety of a language used by the members of a group
bcnu, Mikem
It's mourning in America again.
Post #435,878
8/21/20 5:41:10 PM
8/21/20 5:41:10 PM

Because the 4th is *also true*