Post #409,905
5/6/16 12:36:05 PM
5/6/16 12:36:19 PM

Here's your sign. :0)

Edited by mmoffitt
May 6, 2016, 12:36:19 PM EDT
Post #409,908
5/6/16 12:44:42 PM
5/6/16 12:44:42 PM

I don't have a problem with that.
Do you think real change is easy?
Cheers, Scott.
Post #409,912
5/6/16 1:37:32 PM
5/6/16 1:37:32 PM

No. But it's not as unpossible as you've suggested either. ;-)
Post #409,916
5/6/16 1:46:43 PM
5/6/16 1:46:43 PM

I think we've been through this before.
History tells us, on multiple occasions, that the PPACA was the most that could get through the Congress of the time.
Bernie gave it a good shot, but he showed that there aren't enough votes for him to start his Revolution™.
At some point, one has to recognize that votes matter, and if you don't have the votes to get what you want, then you work to get as much as you can that gets you toward the end you desire. Compromise, half-a-loaf, etc., is a good result.
Sure, it's not "impossible", but reality keeps getting in the way.
Cheers, Scott.
Post #409,929
5/7/16 2:30:34 PM
5/7/16 2:30:34 PM

I suspect this thread will wind down
...with no one having persuaded the other side. Cheers back to Scott, who has been patient, and to mmoffitt as well, whose tenacity in the defense of his obsessions has something admirable about it even when his arguments become preposterous, and whose tone, while occasionally strident, has never exceeded the boundaries of civil discourse. Mind you, we're a pub brawl here compared to the gentlemen's club over at Crooked Timber, but I like the tone overall. I do wish that ol' CRC would drop by more frequently to lob a grenade. I fear that fatherhood has dulled his edge.
Post #409,930
5/7/16 2:58:33 PM
5/7/16 2:58:33 PM

We do well here.
I miss many of our old compatriots. :-(
I've learned a lot from you folks and greatly appreciate that. Balloon-Juice is fun, but there's a lot of noise and lots of people just post snark. Snark is great, but ... The trolling would be too much there without cleek's pie filter.
Let's keep it up! :-)
Cheers, Scott.
Post #409,932
5/7/16 6:30:56 PM
5/7/16 6:30:56 PM

Hats off to you both.
I know I've strayed from being civil on occasion, and for that I do apologize. I appreciate greatly being able to cross swords with the two of you because, despite my legion of posts indicating otherwise, I actually *do* value your opinions and very much look forward to reading your retorts.
Post #409,934
5/7/16 6:42:03 PM
5/7/16 6:42:03 PM

obviously I haven't read *all* your posts
...but I don't recall your ever going (cough!) off the reservation, and as I've observed before, you win points for keeping it together even when you, a lone man, are parrying a dozen swordthrusts at once from a group of us on this or that point(!) of politics or culture.
Post #409,935
5/7/16 6:43:47 PM
5/7/16 6:43:47 PM

Thank you. Awfully kind of you.
Post #409,939
5/7/16 9:03:15 PM
5/7/16 9:03:15 PM

Well said.