Post #406,100
11/7/15 3:31:55 PM
11/7/15 3:33:31 PM

I see it differently.
More than any election in my memory, this is our last gasp at saving a government "of, by and for..." Hillary is not the candidate that can break the back of the oligarchy. Bernie is. The Left of this country (such as it is) will either choose to reject oligarchy and nominate Bernie, or they won't. I can't see any real Progressive ever winning the nomination of the Democratic Party if one doesn't win this time (you will recall that I predicted the dangers of allowing Obama to pass as a Progressive in '07). If, we, the People, choose to be serfs to the monied class (by electing Hillary and giving us YAN false choice in the general election), then I will vote Republican because I am simultaneously tired of the "We have to stick with these Billionaire Class serfs to Wall Street because at least they aren't simultaneously Evangelical nutjobs" argument from the, cough, Left and the massive crowd of idiots who make less than 300,000/year and continue to support RW Asshats on the Right. If this is what "the People" want, then let's give them the full dose of what they're asking for.

Edited by mmoffitt
Nov. 7, 2015, 03:32:10 PM EST
I see it differently.
More than any election in my memory, this is our last gasp at saving a government "of, by and for..." Hillary is not the candidate that can break the back of the oligarchy. Bernie is. The Left of this country (such as it is) will either choose to reject oligarchy and nominate Bernie, or they won't. I can't see any real Progressive ever winning the nomination of the Democratic Party if one doesn't win this time (you will recall that I predicted the dangers of allowing Obama to pass as a Progressive in '07). If, we, the People, choose to be serfs to the monied class (by electing Hillary and giving us YAN false choice in the general election), then I will vote Republican because I am simultaneously tired of the "We have to stick with these Billionaire Class serfs to Wall Street because at least they aren't simultaneously Evangelical nutjobs" argument from the, cough, Left and the massive crowd of idiots who make

Edited by mmoffitt
Nov. 7, 2015, 03:33:31 PM EST
I see it differently.
More than any election in my memory, this is our last gasp at saving a government "of, by and for..." Hillary is not the candidate that can break the back of the oligarchy. Bernie is. The Left of this country (such as it is) will either choose to reject oligarchy and nominate Bernie, or they won't. I can't see any real Progressive ever winning the nomination of the Democratic Party if one doesn't win this time (you will recall that I predicted the dangers of allowing Obama to pass as a Progressive in '07). If, we, the People, choose to be serfs to the monied class (by electing Hillary and giving us YAN false choice in the general election), then I will vote Republican because I am simultaneously tired of the "We have to stick with these Billionaire Class serfs to Wall Street because at least they aren't simultaneously Evangelical nutjobs" argument from the, cough, Left and the massive crowd of idiots who make
Post #406,101
11/7/15 3:32:48 PM
11/7/15 3:33:16 PM


Edited by mmoffitt
Nov. 7, 2015, 03:33:16 PM EST
Post #406,104
11/7/15 3:53:37 PM

If we were electing a King you'd have a stronger point. We're not.
Bernie by himself is not going to get anything done. The Senate and House aren't suddenly going to roll over and pass anything he wants.
As you know as well as anyone, Jimmy Carter tried to do a lot of progressive things. He was blocked in many of them. He didn't have enough support in his own party.
Progress is slow. It takes time. It requires much more than one person.
Beating up on Democrats as being in the pockets of the oligarchs just like the Republicans feeds those memes that help reduce the likelihood of positive change happening. Bernie can't succeed without more Democrats even if many/most of them are in the pocket of Wall Street.
So, support Bernie all you want, but if he's elected and doesn't have substantial coattails that let him get his proposals passed, then be prepared to Bernie to be this generation's "Jimmy Carter" and say goodbye to another Progressive being elected to the White House for another 50 years. If you want Bernie, then you need to elect Ds along with him.
So I assume you give to the DCCC and DSCC at the end of every month when they have their triple match? To make sure Bernie has coat-tails. Right? ;-)
I don't think Bernie would be happy with you voting Republican, myself. You saw him call them cowards, right? (A righteous rant on his part, in his conversation with Rachel last night.)
Cheers, Scott.
Post #406,107
11/7/15 9:02:54 PM

If Bernie loses the primary
And then endorses hrc, what will you do?
Post #406,111
11/7/15 9:57:17 PM

join the 64% of electorate that doesnt repo or dem and vote for Jesse
you can kill people for America at age 18 but need to be 21 to buy a beer
Post #406,113
11/7/15 10:18:33 PM
11/7/15 11:29:58 PM

Jackson, Ventura, or 867-5309?
867-5309 is Jenny, not Jesse. But it seemed close enough at the time... :-/
Post #406,114
11/7/15 10:31:18 PM

if it is HRC vs a bushlike he is considering getting the libertarian nomination
that way he can get on the ballot in all 50 states. If it is HRC and trump he may sit back and watch. Do you know who goes first? If HRC is the nominee, the repo's will give trump the job so the real pol class wont get hurt in the general.
There are enough 64% of the electorate that doesnt like either party. Leaves plenty of room for a 3rd outsider.
you can kill people for America at age 18 but need to be 21 to buy a beer
Post #406,116
11/7/15 11:42:03 PM

Meh. He's just making noises.
He doesn't know what he wants to do - except he wants to be in the lime-light. KARE11: Although he hasn't made up his mind, there has been talk about him running as a Libertarian at the party's convention next year. In typical fashion, Minnesota's 38th Governor provided a great tease.
"There's no guarantee I'll do it, but rest assured like the good frogman that I am, I'll be laying in the weeds in Mexico watching and listening," he said.
It has been tumultuous few years for Ventura who has considered moving down to Mexico full time where he has a home. Cheers, Scott.
Post #406,120
11/8/15 1:55:12 AM

more compelling than its my turn
you can kill people for America at age 18 but need to be 21 to buy a beer
Post #406,122
11/8/15 11:11:46 AM

If Bernie doesn't win the primary, I'll be guided by the Republican outcome.
If it's Trump, I'll vote for Trump. If it's anyone else, I'll probably stay at home.
Post #406,124
11/8/15 11:56:18 AM

Because Trump is so much better than Hillary. (roll-eyes).
New Yorker: Dnald Trump was at his most bombastic this week in Washington. “We are led by stupid, stupid people—very, very stupid people,” he shouted at a rally on Wednesday held to protest the Iran nuclear deal. Three days earlier, he had embarrassed himself—if he is capable of embarrassment—by commenting on a recent SurveyUSA poll showing that he would beat Hillary Clinton in a head-to-head race. “Thank you!” he tweeted, with a link to an article about the poll. The story he cited was actually from Iran’s Press TV, the English-language and quasi-propagandistic news outlet of the Iranian regime.
At the rally, which was held on the steps of the Capitol, Trump called the agreement between Iran and the world’s six major powers the worst deal—of any kind, apparently—in his lifetime. “So I’ve been doing deals for a long time,” he told the crowd. “I’ve been making lots of wonderful deals, great deals. That’s what I do. Never, ever, ever in my life have I seen any transaction so incompetently negotiated as our deal with Iran. And I mean never.”
The shallowness (and callousness) of Trump’s grasp of foreign policy became even clearer when he addressed the complex issue of American hostages detained in Iran, including a former F.B.I. agent who was last sighted there. “If I win the Presidency, I guarantee you that those four prisoners are back in our country before I ever take office,” he said at the rally. “They will be back before I ever take office, because they”—the Iranians—“know that’s what has to happen, O.K.? They know it. And if they don’t know it, I’m telling them right now.” Accentuate the differences! Even if it means supporting your oppressors!! :-/ Cheers, Scott.
Post #406,125
11/8/15 12:44:12 PM

Re: Because Hillary is so much better than Saunders. (roll-eyes).
you can kill people for America at age 18 but need to be 21 to buy a beer
Post #406,127
11/8/15 1:33:11 PM

I don't plan on voting for her in the primary (at this point).
Post #406,167
11/9/15 8:24:12 AM

Because Trump gives them the full dose better than the rest.
Post #406,168
11/9/15 10:29:44 AM

How'd that work out for Democratic Kampuchea?
Purity is dangerous. Accentuating the differences to the point of supporting your oppressors is dangerous.
Cheers, Scott.
Post #406,169
11/9/15 11:43:06 AM

"Cutting off the nose to spite the face?"
"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."
-- Isaac Asimov
Post #406,171
11/9/15 1:41:17 PM

As your candidate said in response to Bernie, "This is the United States."
Where money, not the People rule. A vote for Hillary is a vote to continue that, plain and simple.