Mr. Illuminati Guy seems sharp enough..
at least he's copped to the effects of a constant diet of heaped/dead/burned Bodies aka violence in all forms: as a central and recurrent theme ... in much of what passes for entertainment: whether songs-about-hos and their come-uppance ... or just any old excuse to display cgi Close-ups of mangled meat.. (for some sort of "authenticity"?)
After all, once you're inured to sounds/images of horrific acts ... what.. horrific.. acts? ... (is what inured means, no?) Still, there are those who imagine that "acted-out events" don't count==guess they never heard of Gödel's comments on counting.
As to this 21 yo nutter, whatever his previous obsessions: blongs on Elbe (along with that teen, a few years back: who microwaved a kitten. As a "joke" She said.) Adjacent cells for an indeterminate time ..add to their continuing daily dis-comfort, endlessly. Let them die of the boredom of empty heads.