Went to dinner here last night:
No, I didn't pay.
We had a room in the back and continuous stream of mind blowing stuff.
Mmm, kobe beef.

I figure after I prove myself with python I'll move to kdb+/q.
Since you already have some trading background you will have a leg up.
And since we love python here, it'll be a double win for you.
Hmm, some type of python engine to generate q code.
Just a thought.

Went to 1st day of 2 day course python course yesterday.
Yum, generators. Now that is a nice time saver.
As I'm reading the docs, I keep on thinking of Modula.
And then the docs refer to Modula, saying the OO semantics are very close to it, but Guido rarely uses Modula terminology because so few people ever heard of it.