I too retain adequate-'faith' in his Character
There is no calculus by which we can comprehend the stultifying effects of the Renegade-Repo collection of sociopaths.. -VS- any possibilities of governance whatsoever.
Accordingly, I see it as a cheap-shot to compare BHO's 'success record'--with any previous situation.
It is not just the $bankruptcy, via criminal gaming of the Entire Finance bloc-of-greedheads; what has successfully immobilized all sanity in the US is:
Our National moral, spiritual and other bankruptcies as have spawned a Winner-take-All, Fuck-you-I've-got-Mine collection of anti-social misfits:
The US long ago became the Anti-social-Society, disguising the inculcated absence of any sincere capability for empathy as
--'rugged individualism'==Good; social regard, cooperation==Weakness.
(If we have any 'Presidential-grade' candidates available to replace Obama -??- they must be well-hidden--as in some survivalist's root cellar)
--with the guns, ammo and undrinkable Murican beer-like liquids.
Meanwhile, as the unravelling intensifies and the Hate-filled epithets increase in loudness proportional-to-their-vacuity, I'll trust BHO over anyone standing-in-the-wings.
He Is the best shot we have of getting out of this mode of Pure-seppuku-outcome: one which we may just Not-survive (whatever he does/doesn't do next.)
Our corruption is so vast in extent/in depth/in its Viciousness (and banality: Collect Everything and hoard it is a 2 yo's Dream, having nothing to do with Adulthood)
that--We Flunked. By all measures opposite to that 'Success' chimera.
Half +/- of all Muricans 'below the poverty level'? While tens of $B are still spent regularly by Koch et al: on propaganda to preserve the status-quo?? qed