Carter and Reagan's policy on Afghanistan circa 1980. Putin's at least got that much right. Recall that it was the CIA training the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan that gave us all the wonders of 9.11.2001 and now what do we have? The CIA training Syrian rebels with Leon Panetta pushing to have our military offer them "industrial training." How well do you think that will work out for us?

All of this got me to thinking, "Is the Obama Administration *that* stupid? Can it be possible that they have learned nothing from the past three decades?" And then I realized, "Of course they learned!" How better to keep the surveillance-police state active than to have our CIA/DOD train the next Osama? This country only thrives when we have a villain. For 70 years it was the Soviet Union and since that collapse it's been Islamic Fundamentalism. Seen in this light, the administration's Syria policy makes sense. We need a new bad guy to keep the great unwashed here at home in line.