The enemy of the good is the Perfect.
[short form] Neither of you can perform - produce predictable Results! via your arrogated 'expertise', I aver. You pretend to a grokking to fullness: that which Never Can Be grokked to fullness. Your models are imperfect and by Schrödinger's fucking cat: there never shall Be such a model
[Long form, optional]
Anything less that total-capitulation to your joint-worship of the ravings of Ayn, anything less than your perpetual illusion that such a thing as a totaly- 'Free Market' -- ever could exist (beyond fanciful on-paper musings)
== is, by definition fodder for your incessant one-liner slogans.
You two are perilously close to (at least the mannerisms of) My Gramma. Absolutists, despising 'authority' while wishing to impose a form of that: your simple ideas of a Pefection which simply, *cannot exist!* within the
(Chaos Theory / fractal geometry - NOT linear differential equations)
nature of worldwide 'Econ'.
Gödel's Proof shall have to suffice: within any system of math, there shall be found Truths which cannot be derived from the axioms. And like the committee-written 100M+ lines of Windoze code: no one human can possibly grok the infinite localized-feedback loops which, cumulatively--and often accidentally--allow billions of daily guesses/then transactions to ... "seem smart to That particular transactor."
Stuff. your. (both) knowing-smirky ripostes, behaving as if *you* "understand" how that massive kluge Actually Works -- or gets by, ~seeming-to ... well enough for the RMS transactions to sort of keep going on.
The mattresses are getting stuffed; similarly the whole <Faith-based> grease of daily commerce is getting Stuffed. Even waking up to finally employing -seriously- new fractal models of parseable-parts of the mega-whole (?) will take time. And some much-Braver economists manning the barricades. Crap shoot, that.
And even then, as with 'IQ', there are No Formulas for acting effectively to create fearless withdrawals from all those mattresses == THAT shall ever require niceties of both psych and psyche massaging: a v.soft 'science' which cannot be reduced to numbers for the comfort of spreadsheet mindsets.
Or, just take the easy way - further perfect your MyGramma transformation, and start using no-CAPS: 'box' it is. You're IN one. [you think you Know]
I think you Don't.