You are the one doing the dancing
Bartenders and others who servers who sell alcohol are supposed to not over serve. If a bartender makes a reasonable effort to keep someone they sold alcohol to from drinking and driving, then shouldn't be liable. It doesn't always work that out way.
You are assuming that the doctors and others asking the CPSC to do something, and the CPSC itself, about kids riding adult sized ATVs are blaming manufacturers. The only thing the article addressed was the fact the voluntary program wasn't working, not that it was the manufacturers fault that the program wasn't working. The lawyer sabotaged the process before any talk of a better solution was possible. The was the point of the article and that is why I posted the link.
I don't have a solution, but I know we are not going to find a solution if the administration sabotages the process in place to find a solution rather than trying to fix the process.
Again, I don't think they want to fix the process, they need it as a straw man to argue against, rather like you.