Seems that the Judge who sentenced the Scooter believes that Shrub's conditions "violate Federal Law" - 'probation' may be invoked only after a perp has completed his term..
Ooohh I. Love. It.
An Excuse to just complete the obv. intended, eventual total whitewash!
And get away with it, along with Cheney --
-- because No One Has the Guts to Act -- even Yet {Bets??}
All those dead Texans who never got even a peek at a reconsideration of Their trials or sentencing notwithstanding ...
(Heard also, en passant - that He+Jesus granted commutation only to 2? 3? persons thus far in his Reign
- each of whom served >10 Years before receiving that scarcity, Presidential Compassioneering.
'Course those suckers had no $$, Oil or Buddies; kinda surprising there were so Many.)
Watch those Alabaster cities gleam tomorrow, y'all
..always brings a lump, eh?