That goes beyond anal and into obsessive-compulsive.
I know I'm going to regret posting this... but it's been on my mind all day (not your post, the topic). Please don't treat it as a complaint though, I genuinely would like other opinions on this?
See mom decided last night that I was obsessive compulsive because of the certain ways I organize and color-code things and also because I have a lot of something, say a lot of different colored pens, or a lot of different colored socks.
I told her that in all my years of therapy, I was never considered to be obsessive compulsive... and trust me, I asked. So why does it seem that when someone wants to be highly organized and structured, those are the words that seem to pop up to describe them? Isn't there some better word for those of us who like a little order in their lives?
I'd really like to know some thoughts on this one, thanks.