Post #236,718
12/1/05 4:27:47 AM
12/1/05 10:53:16 AM

Well, (corrected Nuvolari) had transmission problems too
Specifically with the preselector gearbox in the 1930's MG Magnet (a baby carriage with a supercharger bolted on front). During practices he was constantly spinning out, but fortunately he managed to get the hang of it by race time.
The preselector box was an epicyclic gearbox, pretty much the same as an automatic but with a manual clutch. You selected the gear you wanted to be in next, and when you were ready for it you just tapped the clutch and it shifted automatically.
(2am brain fart corrected - it was not Fangio who had problems with the MG (too early) it was Nuvolari, his predicessor in fame)
Well, Juan Manuel Fangio had transmission problems too
Specifically with the preselector gearbox in the 1930's MG Midget (a baby carriage with a supercharger bolted on front). During practices he was constantly spinning out, but fortunately he managed to get the hang of it by race time.
The preselector box was an epicyclic gearbox, pretty much the same as an automatic but with a manual clutch. You selected the gear you wanted to be in next, and when you were ready for it you just tapped the clutch and it shifted automatically.
Well, (corrected Nuvolari) had transmission problems too
Specifically with the preselector gearbox in the 1930's MG Midget (a baby carriage with a supercharger bolted on front). During practices he was constantly spinning out, but fortunately he managed to get the hang of it by race time.
The preselector box was an epicyclic gearbox, pretty much the same as an automatic but with a manual clutch. You selected the gear you wanted to be in next, and when you were ready for it you just tapped the clutch and it shifted automatically.
(2am brain fart corrected - it was not Fangio who had problems with the MG (too early) it was Nuvolari, his predicessor in fame)
Post #236,791
12/1/05 6:51:31 PM

Yea, Tazio! an Italian tenor with fast wheels.
One example of his virtuosity -
IIRC on the Nurburgring (year unknown), a car lost its oil (rod through case?) Cars were sliding off in all directions, more or less - natch..
Observers said that as Nuvolari approached, his (hands + steering wheel) were a blur; he threaded self through spinning cars and all the oil - and pressed on. I don't think I can imagine a 50 mSec (?) reaction time.. from My jelloware.
All I know fershure is: that was Art. What a thing to have seen! Fangio, though Argentinian seemed more restrained off-track, perhaps better suiting the temperament of the umm, methodical Mercedes folk (?)
Post #236,795
12/1/05 7:31:27 PM

Speaking of virtuosity
Remember Eddie Lawson, Mick Doohan and Wayne Gardner? Yep, they're the guys who were on top when I was paying attention to racing. They did stuff like [link||this], [link||this] and [link||this]. They'd come out of a turn wide open on one wheel sliding sideways. Absolutely amazing.
But the most incredible I ever saw convinced me someone was in league with the devil. Gardner high-sided coming out of a turn. Most people, when this happens, start curling up and preparing for a hard landing. Not him. He [link||held on]. And rode away from it.
Purveyor of Doc Hope's [link||fresh-baked dog biscuits and pet treats]. [link||]
Post #236,815
12/1/05 10:32:03 PM

Post #236,820
12/1/05 11:20:38 PM

dancing with motorcycles
Have fun, Carl Forde
Post #236,826
12/2/05 4:24:43 AM

Re: Speaking of virtuosity
Yeah.. that's ... ....
Nahhh - simply, you Can't DO That; I'm not looking at that picture. You and your photoshopfu are Messing with my Head.
Must be the same stuff in the water as in the veins of some of the skateboard folk who have a picture in the attic - and have abolished G\ufffdM1M2/R2 (while the portrait has bones sticking out of many odd places.)
These guys got their first moto at age ~3; never learned fear - and apparently: that alone is the means by which they evolve beyond us mere mortals, with road rash Reminders to contend with. May they live long.. and Dazzle [*]
Post #236,801
12/1/05 8:10:34 PM

Or, in the words of Ferdinand Porsche . . .
"The greatest race driver of this day, or the past, or the future."
Nuremberg 1935, driving an old non-competitive Alpha Romeo he beat the combined forces of Mercedes Benz and Auto Union - with Hitler watching in astonishment. Hitler refused to shake his hand and the band, certain of a German victory, hadn't brought music for the Italian national anthem.
Post #236,827
12/2/05 4:34:08 AM

Would that some film exists (?)
I'm not a very good student of the race-by-race history of those years - just snatches. But in my time machine chron list is a spot to see That one.
As the techno gets more sophisticated, even surreal -- we've Lost something important IMO. It isn't just about some stupid clock with numbers for the records spreadsheet. (Doesn't anyone Get That?)
Post #236,834
12/2/05 8:08:08 AM

Who here reads Hungarian? 21 kB .img
[link||Tazio]. [image||0|Tazio Nuvolari|266|400] 1933-ban N\ufffdmetorsz\ufffdgban Hitler \ufffdtvette a hatalmat. Az \ufffdj n\ufffdmet kancell\ufffdr im\ufffddta a gyors aut\ufffdkat, \ufffdgy az aut\ufffdversenyez\ufffdst is a nemzeti szocializmus propagand\ufffdj\ufffdnak emelv\ufffdnyek\ufffdnt haszn\ufffdlta. AZ Ez\ufffdstnyilak a n\ufffdmet korm\ufffdny t\ufffdmogat\ufffds\ufffdt \ufffdlvezt\ufffdk, azonban a nemzetk\ufffdzi versenyeken m\ufffdgis az olaszok\ufffd volt a főszerep.
Az Alfa Romeo sz\ufffdm\ufffdra sok sikert hozott az \ufffdj esztendő, amely Tuniz-ban vette kezdet\ufffdt, ahol Nuvolari \ufffds Borzacchini j\ufffdtszott\ufffdk a főszerepet. A m\ufffdrcius 26-\ufffdn szerzett győzelm\ufffdt k\ufffdvetően Nuvolari a Mille Migli\ufffdn is nagyszerű teljes\ufffdtm\ufffdnyt ny\ufffdjtott, \ufffdgy az \ufffdprilis 9-\ufffdn v\ufffdget \ufffdrő k\ufffdt napos megm\ufffdrettet\ufffdst k\ufffdvetően ő vihette el p\ufffdlm\ufffdt. A Tripoli Nagyd\ufffdjon csak egy hajsz\ufffdlon m\ufffdlott, hogy a Bugatti versenyzője diadalmaskodott az alacsony olasz pil\ufffdta felett. \ufffdprilis 30-\ufffdn Alexandri\ufffdban Nuvolari egy \ufffdjabb győzelemmel lett gazdagabb, amelyet m\ufffdg h\ufffdrom m\ufffdsik k\ufffdvetett az Alfa Romeo-val. A j\ufffdlius 9-\ufffdn rendezett Belga Nagyd\ufffdjon m\ufffdr a Bugatti sz\ufffdneiben \ufffdllt rajthoz, amelyet meg is nyert.
Az 1935-\ufffds esztendőben Nuvolari m\ufffdg a halhatatlanok list\ufffdj\ufffdra is feliratkozott. A N\ufffdmet Nagyd\ufffdjra, amelyre j\ufffdlius 28-\ufffdn ker\ufffdlt sor, Nuvolari m\ufffdr n\ufffdgy győzelemmel a tarsoly\ufffdban \ufffdrkezett meg. Az Alfa Romeo teljes\ufffdtm\ufffdnye k\ufffdzel sz\ufffdz l\ufffderővel gyeng\ufffdbb volt, mint a n\ufffdmet aut\ufffdk\ufffd, azonban az olasz szt\ufffdrpil\ufffdt\ufffdnak a nem t\ufffdl kedvező k\ufffdr\ufffdlm\ufffdnyek ellen\ufffdre is siker\ufffdlt futamot nyernie.
A versenyt 300.000 n\ufffdző k\ufffds\ufffdrte figyelemmel, \ufffds Hitler Birodalmi M\ufffdrk\ufffdk sz\ufffdzezreivel t\ufffdmogatta a Mercedes \ufffds az Auto Union csapatait, ez\ufffdrt a n\ufffdmetek b\ufffdztak abban, hogy saj\ufffdt aut\ufffdik viszik el a p\ufffdlm\ufffdt ezen a megm\ufffdrettet\ufffdsen.
Az első k\ufffdr ut\ufffdn Nuvolari Caracciola m\ufffdg\ufffdtt volt, a kilencedik k\ufffdrre azonban Bernd Rosemeyer, Fagioli \ufffds Chiron m\ufffdg\ufffd esett vissza egy ker\ufffdkcser\ufffdt k\ufffdvetően. Ebből a kil\ufffdt\ufffdstalan helyzetből az olasz versenyzőnek siker\ufffdlt felz\ufffdrk\ufffdznia a m\ufffdsodik helyre, majd az utols\ufffd k\ufffdrben a tizen\ufffdt m\ufffdsodperces h\ufffdtr\ufffdny\ufffdt is ledolgozta, amivel n\ufffdmet k\ufffdz\ufffdns\ufffdg előtt diadalmaskodott.
Egyes elmond\ufffdsok szerint mindenk\ufffdppen n\ufffdmet győzelemre sz\ufffdm\ufffdtottak, ez\ufffdrt nem volt bek\ufffdsz\ufffdtve az olasz himnusz lemeze, azonban Nuvolari mindig mag\ufffdn\ufffdl hordott egyet, s \ufffdgy volt ez ezen a vas\ufffdrnapon is, ez\ufffdrt Hitler csal\ufffddotts\ufffdg\ufffdra az \ufffdnnepl\ufffds sem maradt el. A little more intelligible text to my eyes is at the [link||Wikipedia]. A report on the 1935 German Grand Prix is [link||here]. I haven't found a link to film yet. This was Nuvolari's greatest race because with a car lacking 100 horses to his strongest foes, he had beaten eight German cars, Lang being the only German retirement. Von Brauchitsch however would probably had been the winner hadn't the Mercedes team neglected to order him into the pits sometimes around on lap 18. When it was done, they all had a big tea party and Nuvolari stood up on a table and sang show tunes for everybody. A great time was had by all. I'll bet! :-) Cheers, Scott.
Post #236,835
12/2/05 8:21:19 AM

Comprehensive site in English . . .
But no film: [link||Nuvolari].
Post #236,837
12/2/05 8:32:12 AM

While we're reminiscing... (new thread)
Created as new thread #236836 titled [link|/forums/render/content/show?contentid=236836|While we're reminiscing...]
Peter [link||Don't Let The Terrorists Win] [link||There is no K5 Cabal] [link||Home] Use P2P for legitimate purposes!