. . you don't know how to tie one. A proper Windsor knot in a tie of decent quality bulks up sufficiently it can be loose enough without looking loose.
Sure, you can go without the symbols and prove yourself on merit, it's just a whole lot easier if merit is presumed until you screw the pooch - monumentally (and someties even after).
Narrow ties make you look like an idiot even when narrow ties are the fashion (they're making you look like an idiot so they can sell you an expensive new fashion next year). Real men do not buy narrow ties - ever.
The tip of a tie should touch the belt line, no shorter and no longer. Never wear the same tie two days in a row and discard any tie that is even slightly soiled (new ones cost about the same as the cleaners want to ruin an old one).
A "power tie" makes you look like a crook. If you're dealing with MBAs that's fine, but anyone else (particularly the SEC) will probably notice.
In consulting, ties are second only to the Prime Directive - "Never let them see you sweat".
Are ties and absurdity? Of course they are, as is just about everything else in human social conventions. Ridicule and obey - or suffer the consequences.