quick action after 9/11. Urging the US citizenry against racism and bigotry agasinst all Muslims. Going after the actual perpetrators, considering them to be criminals - he made all the right moves immediately after. Then politics took over, and he was vile enough to use 9/11 for his own ends without actually doing anything about it.
He shocked me, by behaving as a President should. He could have gone down in history as one of the good ones, if he had been able to sustain it.
Instead, he reverted in short time. His entire administration degrades our nation; his acts are often assaults on the Constitution he is sworn to uphold. His policies are based on powerlust and greed, cronyism and lies. You talk about hatred, what of it? I DO hate what he is doing to our nation, to the Great Experiment. I make no bones about it - the man and his nominal lackies are slime. I see no reason to make up reasons to seem balanced about him and his Neocon junta - I will not stoop to the Neocon level and lie in order to gain support.