..along with those evident base testosterone urges to create New ones - over other locales.

The aforementioned Wal-Mart and the other dynasties have fueled the machine which protects its operation from All unfunded, unorganized comers. Right on down to ensuring the Votes by buying the vote-generators outright.

And whatever might penetrate that triple razor-wire fence around the dispersed Fort Knoxes -?- looks to be some Creature requiring as much deceit, spin, sub-rosa machinations as Built It.

I don't see extant (yet..) the will, the means, the attention-span == dedication, as it would require to clean these modernized Hardened Augean Stables.

Chaos, OTOH - has a habit of dismantling it All; the moderately-functioning along with the toxic substrate. It's also the easiest 'solution': the one which most lazy mobs tend to wait ... .... ... for.

I see EZ, class=simplistic, as located high on our Motto list, right under,
I've got Mine; Fuck you, Jack!

(I shall be pleased-as-punch, like HHH - to have this estimate Wrong.)
Better.. if, while I'm still alive - but I'll give ya a 50 yr. raincheck; and still sell short, from the material I espy running things. Even at intermediate levels.

Maybe Lloyds of London could hold any bets - I wouldn't want to 'bet' on \ufffdtna - who knows what 50yr scam they are already well-into, via various cross-pollinated 'Boards'?
(Those boards which, Beep sez: pay those 300:1 cost-effective salaries to the CIEIOs. Add-to-list the rulez about multiple-board-enhancement? Naahhhh.)

Optimistically, though -