Should I expect him to? If I'm honest then I have to admit that I don't think through most of my comments about other people in detail. The words pop out of my mouth based on impressions that I don't have reams of logical analysis for.

However once the words are said, then you can ask whether those particular words were justified. And I happen to believe that they were.

That doesn't mean that everything that people have to say on the topic is justified. For instance you attempt to side-track into Jesse Jackson's latest antics. Well go take a look again at [link||]. The second paragraph reads:

If someone were to say that Jesse Jackson is a hypocrite who always play the race card first, I'd also see that as a factual claim that is probably true.

Judging from that, do you think that I'm about to defend the man? Do you think that I'm going to claim that there is no racism in the comments that we're hearing from some quarters?

It appears that you're trying to replace my views with some straw man caricature. Like you, I'm also unhappy with lots of people in this situation. My opinions also do not admit of a simple categorization. And I consider honesty to be more important than "sides".

Please stop that. I'd particularly appreciate it if you stop acting as if I should support positions that I've made it clear I don't actually support. (Well, perhaps I wouldn't appreciate it that much. After all you'd be taking away a form of entertainment from me.)
