Above, as always - you'd rather snipe with meaningless extirpated details.. all under the rubric that: Corporations as, currently: We Know Them derive from some Econ Scripture, born-again Full Blown.. ~like The Humans, 6033.6 years ago.

Go read that last \ufffd for comprehension, this time. If you can get past your earliest inculcations:

It lies within the same province -- which we call ~ Government -- to recommence Monitoring and yes, fucking Meddling -- within the now very, very, Very-well-Oiled gears as have been perfectly-tuned, so as to create this unprecedented wealth transfer and its concentration in those very, very-Few pockets. (and offshore island banks w/ the #-accounts)

That Capital has been extracted: with no slightest concern -
(other than smarmy lip-service, periodically when a whistle blows - for the attention-span)
- for the society which builds, maintains, provides the playground: upon which the Shell-game produced this
$c h a s m$.

And if actual-Reform requires hnick?s suggestion (of somehow picking out a panel of Non-Diposable, seemingly Integruous panels to interrupt the flow of GNP into those fewer and fewer pockets via Corporate evasions of %share of the infrastructure -

W.T.F. Not? We are not automata; the "Rules for Corporations" are always fantasy stuff, ephemeral as words like ethics, honesty, Confidence and the rest. We created the rules, all along, EXCEPT:

Fuck with the concept of 'we', say by Buying the "people's" Representatives, lock-stock-barrel? (never mind 'is') and We see that 'we', today has descended to that few percent which Owns the Lion's share of all; measured by all whose with personal spreadsheets that need a >10-E-7 column, to measure the total swag.

Tell us again about Our Need for Benevolent Massa.. to trickle-down a few Porsche Carerra-GTs, perhaps macerated into one-gram pieces each Labor Day (the Soylent-chrome sample .. one's Murican-Dream talisman?)

You're a real Theoretician, BeeP.
(The Better ones tell me though, that it's Fatal to fall in love with one's cherished familiar model of buggywhip; they tell me this usually, after they ask if I want any fries with that.)