I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.
Of course too, a billion flies can't be wrong, so maybe I should -
It's best that you skip the posts that don't fit your requirements. There's probably nothing There. And if everyone finally agrees on The Standard format - all will be 'on the same page', indefinitely. Indeed, were everyone to take the same angle of view of a topic -and- how Properly to express that: convergence would be a natural. For that angle. No matter: Equilibrium would be achieved!
Like, say on the matter of 'exceptions' in programming languages?
Yes, everyone seems to converge rapidly on the --> right answer; after all - it's all just Logic. Oh, actually - Not.
(Only the person who does not Need to take such micro-dissections seriously, can appreciate certain hilarities. I guess you missed the fun in that, too.)
Sorry, but I'm not you (either). See, I enjoyed Ross's fulminations -- less so when about The South Shall Rise and other obv side-effects of personal things as were biting, at those times.
I deemed the excesses a fair price to pay - because several of his insights were sufficiently arcane as to illuminate some abstract matters - of interest to me; not to mention the real physics - as bonus. (Don't care whether a plebiscite here or anywhere would vote: 'yes, that was an Acceptable posting'.) Really: I Don't.
Ross is unusually adept at noticing patterns.
Ya think.. maybe someone can 'teach' someone else, how to 'recognize patterns', maybe?
You may be right though. People do outgrow mere habits; organizations tend more towards the ingrown. There are now quite more special-interest groups a click away, than when our little band accreted.
Hmmm - new Jewels may exist now, albeit buried within the much greater noise. Maybe I have less and less to 'say' that fits into nice linear convergence, as I'm not terribly interested in achieving consensus. Or in Authority which presumes that I 'should' be. (Must be that early 'military' experience.)
Things change: always a decent bet, that.