This is the 2nd time that Bush has done something weird....
``I gave a speech that was cleared by the intelligence services,'' the president said. ``It was a speech that detailed to the American people the dangers posed by the Saddam Hussein regime. And my government took the appropriate response to those dangers.''
Mr. Bush made his comments not long after his national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, said that the Central Intelligence Agency had ``cleared the speech in his entirety.'
[link|| NY Times ]
Okay...I'm not a President and I don't know how their offices work. And maybe it's just the language thing to me....but
Why is the CIA "CLEARING" the speech?The speech shouldn't need ought to be derived from the CIA intelligence (that is why they're there isn't it?)
You'd only say that the CIA cleared something if you put it in the speech and then had to ask the CIA if it was okay.
(It reminds he of Bush's comments that we didn't know they were going to fly planes into building. It was okay to hijack planes as long as they didn't fly them into building?)