Well with support like that..

The last not patently Right-slanted Tee Vee show on Corp Tee Vee is cancelled and - that constitutes 'support'?

(Sears gets no more of my bizness either - cowards; we knew the network folk were cowards already.. look at the juvenile crap to be served up next! but Sears too? Ah right, Bizness: keep it bland; keep it light - keep it dumb. Or else.) Guess yer too young to remember the cancellation of the Smothers Brothers, Laugh-In - for similar non-dumbth skits. But I'm not.

Perhaps you mean then to compare Lott's tribute to,
a remark claiming that (~ IIRC) "..whatever you want to call the people who flew into those buildings, it can't be coward". Then I recall he added a comment about "cowardly being - sending in pilotless planes to attack [forget the predicate]" maybe the 'pharm chem' factory? or the other spot vacated by bin-L a few hours before?

Hmmm - if that last had happened earlier - maybe we'd be getting ready to battle Oceania N. Korea instead of the [oil] place - next.

Somehow I don't think that this sure-to-be inflammatory remark, thus {Holy Shit} controversial remark {on Murican sanitized Tee Vee!!} rises to the scale of: supporting the agenda of the 100 yo Thurmond dinosaur as fulsomely, one might say abjectly - as we all heard, many times now.

But you might.
