Social engineering for God&Country? Better to be a 3rd-world orphan (albeit Famous Orphan\ufffd) in Murica than, reside with own father?

Or did you mean ~ first, have Murican investigators determine the father's past relationship with mother + before + since their separation; examine the interior of his hovel and see if it matches 'moral' standards for the raising of cheeldrun and.. Then! let kid go home? maybe?

Are all those cheeldrun somehow surviving in non-Murican-oriented Cuba: also living with immoral parents, say? - parents corrupting their kids by teaching them that Their system is better than Our system? Is than enough of an offense to make it: an 'immoral' act - to send a kid to such a place? Izzat where you're heading?

Sheesh, Addison - when ya sprinkle in blab-words like Freedom, Truth and er moral, the flood-gates are open for any personal cockamamie religious, areligious, fascist or Repo definition of

moral. Doesn't this make it now a pretty useless word? - at least where, something other than visceral emotional - response is sought, that is (?)
