Pity that young Fedelito lacked the savoire faire to speak the language of the men in white gloves, who dance around, The Green Table, my fav stage show / ballet sans dialogue - about the old men sending the young ones off to die for.. er any momentary unpleasantness at the Table.

He could as well have, pronounced himself a Progressive Laissez-faire Compassionate Capitalist - the kinds of BS meaningless phrases so beloved of Murican politicos (and so effective! as they can mean - like the Red Queen - whatever you Want them to mean, and change each week).

Instead he called that spade a er Spade - yet.. there Really Wasn't a Spade!. Like so many revolutionaries - necessarily young ones - he too missed the Point: You can't Have 'Communism' within a culture besotted with say, acquiring endless amounts of things and.. owning them all personally (!) D'Oh. Especially not when - this affliction is the major source of comfort, prized above all else! in 'life'.

Cubans wanted what Bautista and ilk then had much too much of; not some 'different way of coexisting on an island paradise' - via a different social contract. Too heavy stuff, too early - and for an audience with little opportunity for academic philosophizing. Yet only the most hate-crazed can deny that his aim was for.. somehow preventing the Capitalism run-amok of Murican robber barons - that periodic process we live with while averting our eyes. As for the Miami Cubans... they'll die of apoplexy soon enough.

Guess that C-word really Did piss of Jesse and his folk... (ironic for their love of the N-word) - 'enemy of my enemy' doggerel won. Again, predictably: as with all the other folks we demonized for wanting control by an entity which isn't Corporate. And especially not - Murican Corporate.

Not bitter re Murican fairy tales; just can no longer bear the hyopcritical pretense that they Aren't 'fairy stories'! and we (really!) Are: the One Way towards blissful existence on what remains of the planet.

(Must admit that our antics with Puritanism AND Playboy are always good for comic relief though, except maybe when.. the hate preachers start broadcasting which group is slated for removal this year. Bathos. :(

Maybe none of the more interesting social 'contracts' can occur until all Holy Books\ufffd everywhere are burned, in one majestic ceremony dwarfing, Kristallnacht [?]

People collectively aren't yet mature enough Not-to coopt the more subtle parables of a Jesus or Other, next load on lots of really shitty homo-sap stuff: and mix 'em all up, for power and profit. It's not the Economy, Stupid - it's The Robes!


House Murican Activities Committee,
Historian Emeritus