. . if you're an 18th century nobleman with tons of leisure time and plenty of social connections. Applying them today would be like applying the military techniques of the Napoleonic wars in the jungles of Viet Nam. In fact the authors kind of dwell on the Napoleonic period.
  • If I had the leisure time and selection of victims this book says are necessary, I certainly would have no use for this silly book.
  • It dwells continuously on selecting the victims by their being victims - not what I'm looking for in a woman.
  • It's core presumption is that you will seduce and then abandon the seduced for the next victim - so not my objective.
  • The book presumes you're interested in becoming a career seducer and willing to "do it by the numbers" rather than by native talent.
And to answer your question, no, I didn't (see rather tongue in cheek comments elsewhere in thread - such as shelving it with the MBA's Official Handbook).

All in all, this book is a harmless fantasy like a historical romance - pure escapism. It could only be of practical application to a few "intellectuals of leisure" and social parasites.

On the other hand, a book on guerilla tactics in modern settings could be helpful, so I'll look for one of those.