and related places where they would never tolerate built-in semi-rancidity or feed their cows Better-living-through-Chemistry $enhancers.

There remain a few places with both integrity and cuth - even here in the Capital of Ersatz; ex. locally: Clover Farms as delivers from my 'County' through the North SF Bay area: No RBSTs (some noxious growth hormone) and similar toxins-to-humans. And there are specialty places which get ~ close to what every K\ufffdbenhavn-er takes for granted. (The 5% wouldn't eat common Soylent-$green of course!)

(But I noted that, in Oakland where a longtime Danish-derived bakery was touted: neither their pastries nor breads could come close-enough to my then fresh recollections of the above nonpareil cuisine :(

Know nada about Finnish variant, of course - but would presume that Finns, being so close to such Standards, would never succumb to anything like US supermarket bastardization (?))

And Yeah -- fresh-baked Real Bread + Real Butter is in the class of Goodness of any of the above tasty options == I've tried ~those mentioned and agree, and sometimes.. would prefer to butter, too. Sometimes..

My ti \ufffdre