Woman is bad-mouthing a teacher, concluding ~ you don't even have children - how could you know how to ___(whatever)?

Teacher replies, Ms. Hornswoggle - you raise hogs, don't you?
Yup, no bodee noze the trubble I seen, no bodee noze da trubble

So I'm disqualifed then, from commenting from a lifetime of observance of the daily underpaid Shit-work which I escaped, mostly.. (bloody-well not by 'birth') via the mere happenstance that my jelloware could process the kind of abstract mind-fluff as exempted me from a lifetime sentence to hard=(actual) Labor.

Heh.. I don't fit any of your stat profiles, though.
I've learned how to run nearly-on-Empty for a couple decades now; by choice.
Sans med 'care' nor insurance - except requisite auto. Sheer luck, assisted by an aversion to shopping.
I don't extrapolate well to whatever might have been votre petite le\ufffdon.

Your fav Market model - will/did get us where (most) are today - every time.
But there are minimalists in every country who can manage well with less: if they aren't planning for $100K/year/child, for 4 years+ to create a new MBA who will go on to a $1M mortgage, and a ___ and several ___s and (all those burglar alarms to protect the stuff when you're away. For more.)

Ah well, as the classes coalesce --> the New All=Lower -VS- the fewer Gated Compounds:
place yer bets, Beep. Or maybe plan for evac. In time.

Managed-Capitalism / With Smart Cops LLC
Liquidation Managers for (Chapt. 11) Diebold Voting Machines-for-Repos LLC