Rock-throwing is illegal about everywhere - how you stop individual events is part of the local laws. There are non-lethal approaches, apparently rarely employed. (Why do cops everywhere run First to projectile weapons? Habit. Slothful thought. Testosterone.)

I prefer *radical surgery to pharm-chem happy pills. The root of the problem is ~ the child abuse of inculcating wildly asocial principles in tiny minds; then keeping those minds tiny via Draconian 10th century superstition. ie and even simpler, always and Everywhere -

Ignorance Kills. Intentionally brainwashing malleable minds IS a Crime - we just lack the subtlety to uncover any means of enforcing sanctions against such kinds of Crimes. (Will leave Language-murder for another thread).

* as in radix==root-cause.

We use force so often because:

A) as a species we are mentally lazy, mostly.
B) Men (indeed) 'Love War'. Genetic cock-up (pun intended)
C) It's EZiest! - for those who ever choose the instant result - as in: bizness' first-quarter results mindset: ~ the way we run the world.
D) Add your fav other homo-sap stupidity here ____
