as so often populate the threads here. This is *NOT* some black/white Evil/Good stupid fucking Boolean equation.. however well that works for balancing Corp spreadsheets and (doesn't work at all) for inventing the idiotic idea of 'IQ'. Hah.. DQ more like it: Dumbth Index.

There's obviously a symbiotic relationship developed over a half-century. It appears identical to the kind of madness we see *HERE* too - whenever someone rattles the %$#@$ Oil-$$$-WAR cage, and opens up the SPIN box and the flag/patriot/mycountry right-or-wrong mantra folder. Then our rhetoric matches all the above, with the exact same level of stimulus/response juvenile behavior. And always: the mindless fucking Slogans. Sooo much easier than original Thought. Sooo Popular in a mercantile culture, too. Already conditioned 24/7. Baa Baa

Screw ALL of the Sloganeers. We find a way to actually communicate or, the nukes [oil[ will [oil] fulfill their [oil] Promise. Maybe a lot sooner than...

Nobody expects.. the Spanish Inquisition.


never mind