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New Only Jim Beam?
There's also the (belch) Jack Daniels.
"Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it."
-- Donald Knuth
New But Jack's initials are NOT "JB"
(Resistance is not futile...)
     American "Palestinians" la raza - (boxley) - (46)
         They are right - (bluke) - (41)
             lol. Bluke, you are so bitter - (cwbrenn)
             That would be funny... - (bepatient)
             Let's give it back to the Apache. - (marlowe) - (38)
                 Utes, Navajo, and Hopi IIRC. -NT - (Steve Lowe)
                 And why not? (msg) -NT - (bluke) - (36)
                     Perhaps for the same reason... - (jb4) - (35)
                         A little history - (bluke) - (34)
                             Is that like Israel? - (a6l6e6x) - (15)
                                 Gobbledygook. Pangyria for the Pangyrians. -NT - (Ashton)
                                 In a way, yes - (bluke)
                                 Not really - (bluke) - (12)
                                     So what? There were other people there before *that*! - (CRConrad) - (4)
                                         Do you know any Ur-Canaanites? - (bluke) - (3)
                                             For suitably twisted values of "cease" and "continous". - (CRConrad) - (2)
                                                 I feel sorry for you - (bluke) - (1)
                                                     Bingo! - (CRConrad)
                                     Legalistic gooblygook at its finest. - (a6l6e6x) - (6)
                                         Based on what does all else belong to someone else - (bluke) - (3)
                                             Same old same old BS from BS-Luke - (CRConrad) - (2)
                                                 So then - take back the artificial creation of 'Saud'i - (Ashton)
                                                 Same old lack of historical knowledge from you - (bluke)
                                         Amazing - (bluke) - (1)
                                             Re: Amazing - (a6l6e6x)
                             By that logic... - (jb4) - (17)
                                 My point was - (bluke) - (16)
                                     ...And no FEWER rights, either! - (jb4) - (15)
                                         Boys.. Boys!!___ it's much simpler than that - - (Ashton) - (14)
                                             Oh, quit being so offensively neutral, "boy"! - (CRConrad) - (13)
                                                 Ooo Ooo - (wharris2) - (1)
                                                     A wimp? - (CRConrad)
                                                 Neutral! may ass - (Ashton)
                                                 "Irish Whiskey"? - (jb4) - (9)
                                                     Yeah, they can't spell "Whisky". - (CRConrad) - (8)
                                                         Either "J&B" (a pretty good blended whisky) - (Ric Locke) - (7)
                                                             Also - (jb4) - (6)
                                                                 Real Men\ufffd drink, er sip Armagnac.. (Women are too smart to) -NT - (Ashton) - (3)
                                                                     Armagnac? Fancy name - (Ric Locke) - (2)
                                                                         ...for Apfelkorn! (Naah, not really.) -NT - (CRConrad) - (1)
                                                                             The trouble w/ Apfelkorn... - (jb4)
                                                                 Only Jim Beam? - (wharris2) - (1)
                                                                     But Jack's initials are NOT "JB" -NT - (jb4)
         What is the point - (JayMehaffey) - (3)
             What will your reaction be ... - (bluke) - (2)
                 Depends - (JayMehaffey) - (1)
                     Me too. But then you and I would end up in a New - (Ashton)

I like when things catch fire and explode, which means I do not have your best interests in mind.
106 ms