My paperback dictionary is almost worn out from grabbing it to look up words in his posts, hehehe. I started using the online one, it's less damaging. ;)

Thanks for that explanation... I think I thought something entirely different. I thought he meant that religious people weren't prone to tell others about their faith, that it would be seen as "preaching" to them.

Actually, we can and do tell others about our faith, but the difference is we don't push them to accept it or keep pushing it on them when they don't want us to. And we don't "judge" them, as in treat them bad or differently because they don't accept it. Like it says in the Bible, if they don't listen, shake the dust off your feet and go on, or something like that. I don't know the scripture, I'm not that good at remembering those. (I think it's because they are all numbers hehehe)

Maybe Ashton will enlighten us as to what he really meant, or if either one of u is right.

Nightowl >8#