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Politics Yeah, it's dangerous - (crazy)
Open So is Dunning-Kruger real? - (crazy) - (5)
Politics She won - (crazy) - (2)
Jobs One night I chewed up $100,000 worth of computer time. - (crazy) - (1)
Epicuria and Health Quick is great - (crazy)
Regional/World Conflict Double post because I hit the save button while waiting - (crazy)
Regional/World Conflict I don't expect you to say yes at the moment - (crazy)
Regional/World Conflict How close are you to the bombs falling? - (crazy) - (9)
Politics I want to press the button - (crazy)
Politics Doesn't work that way - (crazy) - (1)
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My toddler just put a Cheeto in my belly button. How is your day going?
598 ms