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The Water Cooler Traffic to me is waiting more than 30 seconds to pull on the highway. - (crazy) - (1)
News Picks I've been a member - (crazy)
Reviews Yeah it's a different value equation depending if they have the cell towers and the bandwidth versus - (crazy) - (16)
Reviews And M decided to do something - (crazy) - (20)
Hardware And the concept of breaking down for a $35 device is just crazy - (crazy) - (1)
Hardware Desktop mirroring is built in - (crazy)
Hardware On the other hand it works fine with my Chromecast that I already had - (crazy) - (5)
Hardware Symmetrical yes, ambidextrous no - (crazy)
Hardware Lenovo Chromebook and HP 4100 printer scanner - (crazy) - (9)
Apple That's just f****** horrible - (crazy) - (1)
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Is this how you were? Because I said, "As you were," and I don't think this is how you were.
59 ms