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Hardware It makes sense for their target market - (crazy)
News Picks Nah, son of a b**** is an insult to the mother - (crazy)
Epicuria and Health Yay dictate - (crazy)
Epicuria and Health Aww, poor Lincoln, doesn't like my whining - (crazy)
Apple This is where tech has an advantage - (crazy) - (3)
Epicuria and Health Grygus doesn't do misogyny - (crazy) - (1)
Oh, Pun! Took you a couple days for that comeback - (crazy)
Apple Just keep it in mind - (crazy) - (5)
Hardware I have no idea what that meant - (crazy) - (16)
Epicuria and Health I have to farm - (crazy) - (15)
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Have you ever noticed that everything you sit on feels like underpants?
57 ms