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Politics Wow! Somebody else is worse!! - (hnick) - (9)
Politics I'm really impressed - (hnick) - (12)
News Picks Re: Yep... - (hnick)
News Picks Ohio bolts, eh? - (hnick) - (4)
Politics Purity trolls are also an easy out - (hnick) - (1)
Politics More fun than an all night dentist... -NT - (hnick)
Regional/World Conflict Re: Yeahbut... - (hnick) - (3)
Regional/World Conflict What todo? Hmmm... - (hnick) - (5)
Politics Re: Purity trolls are pure. Understood. - (hnick) - (2)
Politics To a certain extent. - (hnick) - (14)
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There are perhaps no more tragic creatures than middle-aged, middle-class tourists, unused to traveling in unfamiliar places, on a lifetime dream vacation.
334 ms