This is where your ignorance betrays you.
You contradict yourself.
So, this is the government that "faked" documents, according to your sources the documents were so badly faked it was ridiculous that anyone would believe them. (We'll ignore the fact that it wasn't our goverment who faked the documents, and so far the "ridiculous" opinion is one guy's statement).
But I had said:
That was simple, claim some tubes were to be used for the nuke program and then "find" documentation showing that Iraq tried to purchase nuclear material from Niger.
So, you're wrong, again.
Now you expect the same government to be capable of convincingly planting WMD in Iraq?
No, I didn't say "convincingly". I said that our government would fake "finding" them.
They'll be able to fake the exact strains of biological agents, the same formulations of chemical agents, the same train of research as the Iraqi scientists?
That's where you ignorance betrays you. We were the ones helping Iraq develop them IN THE FIRST PLACE. We even supplied the SAMPLES.
So anything we "find" will be exactly what we KNEW they had.
You'd better add to you prediction that the U.S. will become the laughingstock of the world after basic forensics proves the WMD to be non-authentic.
Again, they will be EXACTLY what everyone KNOWS they have because we SUPPLIED the samples IN THE FIRST PLACE.
I also didn't predict that the U.S. would leave the weapons alone...I suggested that they should, until it was safe to do so. Naturally they are not exploring bunkers in current battle zones, and are investigating areas they have already secured.
Again, you are making excuses for what you said SHOULD happen.
While I predict (with 100% accuracy) what WILL HAPPEN.
So you said that our troops SHOULD NOT check out the sites because it would be too dangerous to them and civilians.
But they DO do that.
And they are not injured.
Nor are any civilians.