And now you're the expert on how long it should take them to find (well-hidden) WMD, when they are more worried about getting killed?
Here's the [link||article].
Our troops have BEEN checking sites.
The search doesn't begin in earnest until all resistance is quashed.
No, that will be the "search". That is when the "weapons" will be "found".
That is AFTER the search of the sites that our intelligence has identified as being the ones where we believe Saddam is keeping them has proven fruitless.
Last thing we need is some guys rolling out a SCUD packed with VX, and some clown launches an RPG.
Why? Wouldn't the desert be a BETTER place than a mall in Kuwait? Far fewer initial casualties and far easier to decon.
Oh, that's right. You thought that only high temp fire could decon a site.
That was until I told you that VX could be decon'ed with hypochlorites.
That's the difference between a prediction and your excuses.