Post #88,612
3/15/03 10:34:29 PM
your description of what others might think of you
Viega states Just speculation...but I didn't want the impression left that I was some kind of animist... wouldnt want you to think that some how you were thought as an animist. Thought I would clear that up for you. thanx, bill PS I dont know your background but to ME (and possibly Me only) IWETHEY is the longest bar in the workd where people come to meet greet and argue over important and equally unimportant ideas to the benedetriment of all. These are conversations in threaded form not letters or declarations. Those fine things can be found at /, among others. thanx, bill
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To a lot of people in California hunting anything but the wild tofualope was equivelent to sacarificing babies to satan. S.M. Sterling
Post #88,615
3/15/03 10:45:10 PM
The "Viega" tag..
...which is, I gather, intended as a term of disparagement, is utterly lost on me, since I have no idea what it's intended to convey--rather like calling me "motherfucker" in Cretan Linear B: there are no extant tools with which to translate the abuse.
"Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist."
Post #88,624
3/15/03 11:07:39 PM
no problem I find it amusing and that is the only criteria
No matter it amuses me and thats what counts. It is not ed zachery disparagement but a rather accurate perception of your writing style and a superficial resemblence to the portrayal. thanx, bill
will work for cash and other incentives [link||skill set]
questions, help? [link||email pappas at]</br>
To a lot of people in California hunting anything but the wild tofualope was equivelent to sacarificing babies to satan. S.M. Sterling
Post #88,631
3/15/03 11:28:31 PM
why then, if it amuses you
...that's good enough for me--I wouldn't dream of interfering with another man's self-abuse.
"Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist."
Post #88,633
3/15/03 11:30:07 PM
thank you sir for your understanding
will work for cash and other incentives [link||skill set]
questions, help? [link||email pappas at]</br>
To a lot of people in California hunting anything but the wild tofualope was equivelent to sacarificing babies to satan. S.M. Sterling
Post #88,660
3/16/03 6:09:35 AM
Well.. I guess it might amuse me that
you think it important to give permission for someone to clarify a remark - in such an obv. umm oblique fashion, but I always say -
Let him who is least in need of an editor - correct the student papers. Oh.. maybe that's the amusing part (?) ;-)
Ashton Snidely Whiplash
Post #88,673
3/16/03 10:30:22 AM
I would have thought by now you of all people
would have got the viega designation. He does look like the good doctor. thanx, bill
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questions, help? [link||email pappas at]</br>
To a lot of people in California hunting anything but the wild tofualope was equivelent to sacarificing babies to satan. S.M. Sterling
Post #88,751
3/16/03 11:07:27 PM
Who He?
Nope, sorry - never hoid o' the gent..
Bu s'OK - apparently lots haven't heard of Sinclair Lewis either, and I tended to think that most had. Too. ;-)
Post #88,757
3/17/03 12:07:04 AM
inna movie i sentya :-) busy lad ashton
will work for cash and other incentives [link||skill set]
questions, help? [link||email pappas at]</br>
To a lot of people in California hunting anything but the wild tofualope was equivelent to sacarificing babies to satan. S.M. Stirling
Post #88,761
3/17/03 12:59:08 AM
Well.. yeah: the Worm in the Apple, or maybe the asp
When a newbie (on Apple) is ""assisted"" by a pre-newbie but willful SO in er 'configuring' stuff.. a One who Foolishly Clicks On, "Set Up Your [AOL, MSN Compuserve??] Internet" - and one apparently gets just the same viral spread of unremovable wormlets throughout, as in #@$&* Beastware! - well, you know.
Time for an RRR. This Mac turned into a wineSap.. kinda like runnin yer Hemi on kerosene (to use the technical definitions).
So I haven't had time Yet to view your (it better be) Masterpiece.
But can you believe that #%^^%@# Dell installed W98 on her laptop originally, in '98 (the one with bad memory - now good memory) with 16-bit FAT + default "no-DMA" on the CD, 2 GB partition size etc. The lazy bastards musta just erased the W-95 install and loaded the W98 'upgrade'; w/o #@$%& OSR-2. 32 KB CLUSTERS !!
Anyway Two Busted machines, one Muslim t'other Catholic, in one week.
(Now she says the Dell works better than it ever has == well yeah, too: it has 144 MB instead of 80 and 32-bit FAT and a clean install + dejunking. Also because I Am A God.)
I, Reboot
The Microsloth frog says reboot reboot reboot
Post #88,758
3/17/03 12:17:52 AM
since I feel sorry for ya Viega
Viega is the good Doctor in a flic starring James Coberg and Rod Stieger [link||http://www.afistfulo...fulofdynamite.htm] you have a passing resemblance to him visually and your posting style would be his if he were real in todays world. thanx, bill
will work for cash and other incentives [link||skill set]
questions, help? [link||email pappas at]</br>
To a lot of people in California hunting anything but the wild tofualope was equivelent to sacarificing babies to satan. S.M. Stirling
Post #88,762
3/17/03 1:15:06 AM
Re: since I feel sorry for ya Viega
Can't say I caught that one; nor have I a particularly vivid memory of the actor from Garden of the Finzi-Continis, seen 30 years ago. Incidentally, the character's name is likelier to have been "Villega."
"Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist."
Post #88,765
3/17/03 1:28:18 AM
Joys of the unfettered associative-brain:
The great Mexican trumpeter, Rafael M\ufffdndez - was kidnapped as a young boy, by Pancho Villa, who had heard of his virtuosity and wanted him around as bugler and musician. (He let him go, after a time, so he could pursue his art - or, well - no story)
Viega >> Villega (Gringos just Don't Get that two-l-s together == y) >> Villa! Or maybe Voyager, the paint-erased space probe in an early STrek potboiler.
Venceremos! Las muchachas Mexicanas son mas sabrosa que las otras..
Post #88,767
3/17/03 1:42:15 AM
Re: Joys of the unfettered associative-brain:
More association: My paternal grandfather, Alvaro Careaga, was a paymaster for Villa's army. The particular group he was attached to having been manhandled by a detachment of Black Jack Pershing's troops, he decided that life would be less hectic north of the Rio Grande, whence he relocated--grubstaking himself, according to family lore, with the payroll. Small wonder he was nearly sixty years returning to Mexico (and, oddly enough, dying there on that visit in 1974).
"Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist."
Post #88,824
3/17/03 2:02:42 PM
since I only heard it, it sounds like Viega with a bad Irish
accent so could well have had 2 ll's in the middle. However the character is a good rightious socialist until he finds out he's only human after all. That seems to fit my immpression of you. thanx, bill
will work for cash and other incentives [link||skill set]
questions, help? [link||email pappas at]</br>
To a lot of people in California hunting anything but the wild tofualope was equivelent to sacarificing babies to satan. S.M. Stirling
Post #88,886
3/17/03 6:02:46 PM
socialist? hardly
a good righteous socialist...seems to fit my impression of you
This judgment would astonish and offend my old schoolmate Henry Cleveland of the "Young Socialists Alliance" ca. 1971, whose characteristic response to my taunts and jeers was to assure me that come The Revolution (which rough beast as I recall he was expecting to arrive by 1973 at the latest) he would personally see to it that I was put up against a wall. Henry didn't doubt for a minute that he'd be in a position to effect this after The Revolution; even had I shared this belief I'd still have taken heart at the thought that, given the numbers of other folks to whom he'd delivered this threat (the guy was lots of fun at parties), I stood an excellent chance of making middle age before he got round to me.
One needn't be a socialist or a revolutionary--and Henry C. would vigorously deny my right to either badge--to feel a hearty contempt for George Bush's Imperial Amerika.
"Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist."
Post #88,827
3/17/03 2:05:49 PM
James Coburn
Support our troops. Protest the war and try to bring them home.
Post #88,835
3/17/03 2:17:14 PM
Romolo Valli
Here he is in "The Garden of the Finzi Continis"
That movie was from Sergio Leone of "Good, Bad, Ugly" fame. In Italian, the movie is called "Duck!" (Giu` la testa! Probably renamed to piggyback on Leone's 60s spaghetti operas.