The saddest are these,
It Might Have Been.


Ah yes, all those withering ripostes to Wuthering Heights, remembered 15 seconds too late.. :(

Recalls for me the time (hearsay to me after) when my mater was describing in a hearing - her injuries in a SF cable car accident.. not life-threatening but painful.. The Insur. Co's sleazy shyster responded, Methinks the lady doth protest too much. She got peanuts; a valuable early lesson for moi, about lying thieving Suits, no doubt.

Even the Bard can be subsumed to Evil Corporate minds, we see. Natch in my innocent pre-Shakespeare state, I could only mentally stick pins through the eyeballs of the slime [too early for me to conjure up groin, alas] - while momentarily also admiring the effectiveness of The Bastardry.

(Now I can despise Effectiveness as easily as snicker at the obtuse idea that there is such a thing as Progress, or of Jesus reviewing your Investments, during Preyer)

Tongue-tied in Timbuktu