Post #84,819
2/28/03 10:25:51 AM
lets see,
the bitter partisanship went to 100% so not much could get done. Bush is a direct result of 8 years of Clinton. A lot of the folks who voted Bush were backlash voters. The constitutional rights accorded to the president were severly narrowed because of clinton's frivilous privilege lawsuits on a case that he should have settled instead of fighting. The ability of presidents to issue pardons might be curtailed in the future because of acts he took as he was leaving office. Locking up federal land for the gain of FOB Exposing the Senate to ridicule over the impeachment process. The bitterness that divides this nation over Clinton will take a long time to heal. The mistrust of the media went skyhigh because of the coverage given and the spiking of stories related to the president. That led to todays hysterical hounding after every rumor and the rise of the entertainment is news that we see today.
Think about this, if Clinton had resigned before facing impeachment and Gore took over would Bush be president today? He took the ME way out. lots of others but will save for later. thanx, bill
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Post #84,822
2/28/03 10:28:10 AM
You nailed it.
the bitter partisanship I hope you see how ironic this is.
How many lives per gallon? --Sign outside of various churches
Post #84,841
2/28/03 10:51:30 AM
Beyond irony this little nugget from boxley's litany of Bill's black sins:
Exposing the Senate to ridicule over the impeachment process
Box, my man, you gotta let me know where you're scoring that smoke!
"Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist."
Post #84,850
2/28/03 11:17:27 AM
2/28/03 11:43:38 AM
Well I was sitting in my congress critters office ed(+quote)
in DC during the Senate Hearings and he (Don Young R Alaska) also opined that very statement. It was Sen Ted Stevens that brokered the hearings in the Senate who told the house managers "I dont care if you have a video of Clinton raping and killing a woman, you dont have 60 votes!" (note paraphrased from memory)making the whole effort mute. This would not have happened if the silly bugger had either admitted fscking around in the oval office or resigned. So yes it was Clinton's (in)actions that caused the problem of a Constitutional crisis. Luckily the constitution held. thanx, bill addendum I wanted the correct quote [link||http://www.newsmax.c...a=2000/8/23/00248] he turning point came, Schippers said, when he heard Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, tell his Judiciary Committee boss Henry Hyde, "Henry, I don't care if you prove Clinton raped a woman and stood up and shot her dead, you're not going to get 67 votes."
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Edited by boxley
Feb. 28, 2003, 11:43:38 AM EST
Post #84,851
2/28/03 11:23:59 AM
ah, well then...
If the honorable Republican member said so, it must be true. Seriously, Bill, what's the pedigree of that weed? Panama Red? Humboldt County Seedless? Oaxaca Wowie? Fairbanks Hydroponic?
"Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist."
Post #84,854
2/28/03 11:33:33 AM
matanuska thunder fs*ck if I still smoked
reglar folk still get (re)elected to government positions. Too bad the elitists have never accepted or understood that, thanx, bill
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Post #84,857
2/28/03 11:39:24 AM
regular folk
reglar folk still get (re)elected to government positions
That would be why the Senate is also affectionately known as "The Millionaires' Club."
"Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist."
Post #244,178
2/10/06 6:25:41 PM
yabbut many of them wernt before they served a few years
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 50 years. meep
Post #84,877
2/28/03 12:13:35 PM
Major nit
Exposing the Senate to ridicule over the impeachment process. Pardon me, Bill, but I don't remember Clinton inviting the Senate to impeach him. In fact, the President never invits an impeachment...IIRmC (If I Remember m Constitution), it's the House that draws up the Articles of Impeachment, and the Articles are tried in the Senate. No, Bill, I'm afraid you're going to have to look elsewhere for the source of Senate ridicule. There are plenty of usual suspects, but Bill Clinton ain't one of 'em. Sorry, better luck next time!
jb4 "Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." Rich Cook
Post #84,882
2/28/03 12:26:00 PM
a view you might find interesting
[link||http://www.americanp...nts/stevens.shtml] to avoid impeachment all clinton had to do was admit what was alleged against him when the story first broke. He wasted a year of political life playing with these people. Yes, Clintons fault. thanx, bill
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Post #84,912
2/28/03 3:01:40 PM
Sorry, no sale!
All The Repos had to do was "git the fuck over it, awready!"
No, not Clinton's fault. House & Senate Repo's fault.
jb4 "Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." Rich Cook
Post #84,906
2/28/03 2:46:17 PM
"backlash voters"?
Bush is a direct result of 8 years of Clinton. A lot of the folks who voted Bush were backlash voters. Yep. Because Clinton couldn't run for ANOTHER 4 years. If Nader hadn't run, Gore would be the President now. The constitutional rights accorded to the president were severly narrowed because of clinton's frivilous privilege lawsuits on a case that he should have settled instead of fighting. What and how? And what the fuck does this have to do with anything? The ability of presidents to issue pardons might be curtailed in the future because of acts he took as he was leaving office. It's been THREE YEARS now. But it still MIGHT happen IN THE FUTURE and THEN it would be CLINTON'S FAULT. Talk about your broken record. Exposing the Senate to ridicule over the impeachment process. No. Clinton didn't do that. That was Starr and the Republican witch hunters. The bitterness that divides this nation over Clinton will take a long time to heal. That "bitterness" is you and Marlowe and the Right wing nuts who need to blame Clinton for every one of THEIR failures. And I don't think it will EVER "heal". I don't know anyone else as obsessed with Clinton's cock as you people. The mistrust of the media went skyhigh because of the coverage given and the spiking of stories related to the president. Whatever. I haven't trusted the media since Ronnie. That led to todays hysterical hounding after every rumor and the rise of the entertainment is news that we see today. I don't think so. I think that is more of the "entertainment" as "news" which is a result of the media conglomoration. Think about this, if Clinton had resigned before facing impeachment and Gore took over would Bush be president today? Probably. If Nader had still run. He took the ME way out. The "ME" way out? What is that way?
Post #84,945
2/28/03 4:54:08 PM
aww, poor baby, do you miss worshipping it?
did you bow down and genuflect to Clinton's cock every night? You sure seem to talk about it a lot. I talk about lies and misdirection, you talk about cock. Sorry, if you cant do the time dont do the crime. That was my problem with Clinton. As for myself I dont walk in lockstep with anyone. I didnt vote for Bush and wouldnt vote for Gore either. Your zelots didnt pull it off from marlowe's zelots. Both you and he are identical mouthing off the platitudes de jour from your little scripts your handlers let you use. thanx, bill
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Post #84,946
2/28/03 4:59:03 PM
a Box on both their houses... (couldn't resist!)
Post #84,960
2/28/03 7:13:58 PM
Count the number of INITIAL posts from you about him.
The compare that to the number of INITIAL posts from me about him. Hmmmmm, the numbers seems to indicate that YOU post more about him than I do. Sorry, if you cant do the time dont do the crime. That was my problem with Clinton. He's gone. He's history now. But you keep bringing him up. What was that? "undead horse" Coin'ed SPECIFICALLY because SOME PEOPLE just can't seem to stop posting about him. As for myself I dont walk in lockstep with anyone. Right. Those others just happen to be going in the same direction, at the same time, with the same step. I didnt vote for Bush and wouldnt vote for Gore either. Ahh, a Buchanan man. I thought I smelled that.
Post #84,963
2/28/03 7:23:59 PM
you mean jackboots n polish pat?
hardly. More of a Jesse Ventura type. Do you attend political meetings with people you agree with? I suspect you do. thanx, bill
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Post #84,970
2/28/03 8:17:04 PM
Jesse ran for president?
Post #84,975
2/28/03 8:51:25 PM
2/28/03 8:54:14 PM
nope, thats why I didnt vote in that race e(adds)
Need someone of his stature and ideals. As for Buchanon, never trust an idealogue that claims to be blue collar and only drinks expensive wine. Now if that nasty little prick carville would run, him I'd vote for. thanx. bill
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Edited by boxley
Feb. 28, 2003, 08:54:14 PM EST
Post #85,002
2/28/03 10:23:46 PM
You didn't vote for President?
Well, I guess that says everything that needs to be said.
Post #85,005
2/28/03 10:40:56 PM
:-) not my fault but I'll bi*ch anyway:-)
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Post #85,047
3/1/03 8:23:51 AM
This is the crux of our differences.
You believe that because you did not participate in the action, you are "innocent".
I believe that if you do not actively oppose something, you share the guilt with those who supported it.
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. - Edmund Burke
Post #85,048
3/1/03 9:51:59 AM
and I will add
anent Ralph Nader and the Greens, that to spurn the lesser of two evils is to feed the greater. Any Green who hasn't repudiated his 2000 vote seems to me of like mind with the leftie twits who applauded Nixon's election in 1968 because it would hasten the inevitable Revolution. Ayup, and we all know (well, Marlowe might not) how that turned out.
"Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist."