For example, the Democrats do not have the support of the Rupert Muhrdoch's, the Ralph Reed's, the Pat Robertson's, the Jerry Falwell's, etc. ad nauseum and so are not bound to their viewpoints on policy.

But they cater to their own sets of blockheads - ad nauseum.

I've said before and will probably say again - I'm not registered nor wish to work with either party. Although I disagree with much of his politics, I think I could have voted for Bill Bradley over Bush, for instance. I despise the Republican party for nominating Bush - for Christ's sake, raising how many tens of millions of dollars before he had uttered one word about any issue? And I despise the Democrats for nominating Al Gore, the hear no evil, see no evil vice president.

Both parties are conspirators in the plot to expand the federal government, which I consider an evil thing. Reduce, reduce, reduce! Don't squabble over a nine billion shortfall in the Social Security "trust fund" when it isn't a trust fund - find places to save the damn money. And if you are running a surplus, the Republicans pay a lip service refund check and the Democrats squalk, but both sides are going to try to spend as much of it as they possibly can.