I meant the bit about not being able to negotiate with people who want to destroy you.

I think the PLO Charter issue is a red herring.

[link|http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/9801/31/albright.israel/|PLO affirms change in charter regarding Israel] is a CNN story from 1998.

Whether the Charter has or hasn't been "abrogated" or the offensive paragraphs "abolished" or not or whatever isn't an issue (to me) now. Palestinians aren't fighting Israel because a piece of paper tells them to. And, of course, they won't stop fighting simply because a piece of paper tells them to. It's clear that if the Charter was a binding document still in its offensive form then the US wouldn't have relations with the PA and Israel wouldn't have negotiated the Oslo Accords with Arafat.

Concrete steps to build trust must happen on both sides - pieces of paper won't count for much.
