Crash & Burn #4 - This link is not 'facts' it is subjective
opinion & out of date (as well as out of touch).
There are *no* quoted facts that relate in any way to China's economic resurgence of the past 20 years and China's position today as the world's most important exporter. There is *nothin* at all in this article that proves your contention "Shanghai Miracle Mirage".
All quoting this link has done for your case is to show that either you never understood the issue in the first place or you are so desperate to defened your questionable integrity that you will grasp at any thing.
I was going to deal with each of your links based on its merit but the actual content when read was such weak supporting material that it seems fruitless trashing the remainder of your links.
You know what this looked like ? - It looked like 'Marlowe' in desperation firstly attempted to change the debate to a different topic (China's staggering growth only achieved because of US), and to flood your post with many links & quotes that had nothing to do with the original point you got nailed on but to some people might have looked like you did some research.
I would expect better from a teenager in a high school debating team.
Cheers Doug Marker