isn't even touching. You appear to imagine that a link to another true-Believer of this idiotic idea - will somehow cancel-out the selective data-taking within every pundit's arsenal.

Hey.. to my Gramma's early training about * "you and yours", I can add a ref to the Terry Gross interview with Gene Simmons. His style of didactic assertion of The Truth matches yours in smugness and hubris -- but then he lives to get laid, and counts the events. But one has to look deeper to find the source of his obnoxious persona on & off 'stage'. What's your excuse?

* you are so fond of that Your Kind smarl - oblivious to the 'fact' that it's a dead giveaway to a mindset obv. planted in your impressionable young mind; Hell - that one is a litmus all alone!

Only fools put the definite article in front of the word-idea truth, on any topic - but especially as applied to the guaranteed spin within every political blab-word which means to emote and not enlighten.

Will see ya and Your Kind at the polls, when it's time to end this Black Tulip charade, this base insult to Language as produces.. War on Evil, War on Sin, War is Peace & Liberty and the other laughable doggerel generated by your fav Village Idiot.
