Some of his criticisms of Serenity Systems could be considered halfway accurate, but that's because Serentity Systems is not very good at communicating what they're trying to do, and what they wind up saying sounds very different from what's actually out there. Some of his criticims of Stardock had validity too.
While some of his criticisms were valid, his CONCLUSIONS have ALWAYS been off base. While I had my problems with some of the things Brad Wardell did over at Stardock, I was always an enthusiastic supporter of their work, and Object Desktop was my favorite OS/2 application ever. And I still use their windows version on my windows box.
And Serenity Systems has done some good work with eCS, despite their deviations into Dilbertesque marketingspeak. They need to hire a few good technical writers, that's all. :)
But to Tim, anyone who deviates from his true path is a swindler, a crook, and not worthy of the operating system. He's done more to damage OS/2 advocacy than ANYONE I can think of. There was speculation a while back that he is not actually an OS/2 user at all, but a mole, either working for Microsoft or simply someone who has a major problem with OS/2 and wants to see it fail. It always seemed a little too much of an X-files explanation for my taste, but I have to admit that it would compare favorably to one of the more internally consistent X-files episodes...