I don't believe we (as a society) have ever meant to face the underlying conflicts.. Recall when 'nurse' and 'teacher' were 'callings'? You *expected* to deliver endless and meticulous attention - and to be paid peanuts. Because (mostly then) you were a woman. Etc.

Now 'we' have observed that Doctors are not gods; and not-only those, either. Have gotten off our knees - and are amidst the problem of distribution of largesse from the 'Left-eye cataracts-Only' surgeon, on down to the floor scrubber after the operation (I hear that in China the MDs clean up their own OR afterwards. Maybe sometimes humility is worth the price of a little inefficiency?)

Anyway.. no wonder there shall be no consensus on where and how to extricate ourselves from the omnipresent Greed-demon, usually at the seat of all turf-wars. Now if next.. Greed were to be re-recognized as a human affliction and not the Meaning of Life, why -

what would a Dictator do to Fix Things?
(hmmm shall we see?)