you might get sued.

Two former Jefferson County jurors have filed a $6 billion lawsuit -- yes that's right, $6 *billion* -- against CBS' "60 Minutes" and a newspaper owner over comments about the size of jury awards in the county. Anthony Berry and Johnny Anderson whined the news program defamed them in a segment that called the county a haven for "jackpot justice." They are seeking $597 million in actual damages and $5.9 billion in punitive damages, and still expect to be taken seriously as human beings in the life to come and not be thought of as sniveling gold-digging jerknoses who women still won't sleep with and who smell like rancid celery. "We thought of asking for $434 kazillion dollars and a big shiny mountain of gold and a lifetime supply of skanky cheap hookers and a big vat of Jack Daniels and some Doritos, but then we thought, why be greedy?" one of the two dinkwads who will fall off the face of the planet very soon and whom you will never have to hear about ever again thank God, did not grunt. The attorney for the two could not be reached for comment, because he was under a rock.
(from the SF news brief)

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Sorry...truth is stranger than fiction.

So, um...did they sue in Jefferson County?