Post #59,096
10/24/02 12:40:03 PM

Re: Thats the glory of predicting the economy...
This is because before, it was technology investment. Modern defense spending creates nothing new, and in some ways nullifies the old - there is not one reason we need the F-22 over the 14,15,18, and A-10.
The B-2 was a complete waste of money.
Post #59,098
10/24/02 12:43:00 PM

Its all still durable...
...and as such must be manufactured. Its not a waste in that sense.
The only difference now is whcih sector of the economy takes the biggest portion.
Not arguing weapons effectiveness...or wisdom...but somebody still has to build them and the parts that go into them.
You were born...and so you're Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson
Post #59,105
10/24/02 12:55:57 PM

Then Where Are The Jobs?
St. Louis used to have a massive base of defense workers - now mostly all gone.
Post #59,127
10/24/02 1:42:02 PM

Unemployment is high.
Military spending is high.
The deficit is high.
We're in Afghanistan.
Why isn't the economy doing better?
Post #59,136
10/24/02 2:03:54 PM

Compared to what?
We're still below historical average. And >way< below the last recession. And now trending back down.
And all indicators have the economy trending back up.
So your point would be?
You were born...and so you're Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson
Post #59,353
10/25/02 2:49:55 AM

So, care to bet on it?
By your chart and your claims, the economy should be improving.
I say that it won't.
I say that it will get worse.
Post #59,366
10/25/02 8:24:23 AM

With you? A "friendly" wager?
I suppose you would have to act like my friend first.
And phrased as you have...of course you'll win...eventually...since the economy is cyclical and will, at some point, get worse. And I have no illusions as to whether or not you would weasel on a bet like that.
It just happens to be getting better at the moment.
You were born...and so you're Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson
Post #59,417
10/25/02 11:54:57 AM

I never used the word "friendly".
Nor any variation thereof. I suppose you would have to act like my friend first. Nice to see you still haven't changed. Still imagining things and responding to them. It's so nice to see that you claim to present evidence contradicting my position, but you refuse to commit yourself to your prediction. Then you try to blame me for it. The truth is that you know the economy is getting worse. You're just picking and choosing your facts in an attempt to "prove" I'm wrong. No, I'm not the one that would weasel. You're the one who's already started misquoting me. And it's only been one post.
Post #59,429
10/25/02 1:01:52 PM

but thats what you get for poking fun at someone who has no sense of humor. Think what you like. But in your own should be providing me proof of your assertion. I gave a link to a major economic indicator that refutes you. You stated opinion. I provided a fact. Unemployment is high. So you asserted. To which you were shown to be wrong by the facts. (lower that historical average and trending >down<. The truth is that you know the economy is getting worse. You're just picking and choosing your facts in an attempt to "prove" I'm wrong. The truth is that I >know< no such thing. Your attempting to push off >your< belief as >my< reality. Tough. You chose the fact. I proved you wrong. Choose some more. I'll support them or refute them as necessary. No, I'm not the one that would weasel. You're the one who's already started misquoting me. And it's only been one post.'s the difference. You're weaseling about the actual issue...and then blowing smoke about me "weaseling" by making a joke about it being a "friendly wager".
You were born...and so you're Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson
Post #59,442
10/25/02 2:30:46 PM

I asked if you wanted to bet.
But in your own should be providing me proof of your assertion. I made a prediction. The economy is going to get worse. You seemed to be saying that it wouldn't. I am willing to bet on my prediction. You are not. The proof will be whether my prediction comes true. Because you are afraid of betting for your position, it shows that you do not actually believe your position.
Post #59,447
10/25/02 2:53:24 PM

Even more typical.
Pick the tiny part that you can get a toehold...and continue.
Especially since you know you were proved wrong on one of your >facts<.
So now you want to play with predictions...and accuse me of weaseling by making a joke that everyone else understood.
And there are enough indicators around that we could right shift several fora when you decide (which I am certain you will)...that the indicators >I< provide don't really indicate a better economy because pork bellies are still depressed.
I've got better things to do with my time than to teach you economics.
You were born...and so you're Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson
Post #59,527
10/25/02 7:28:58 PM

Put up or shut up.
You can spin it any way you want to.
When it comes right down to it, I'm willing to bet on my prediction and you aren't.
Post #59,545
10/25/02 9:13:41 PM

Goodie for you.
You were born...and so you're Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson
Post #59,575
10/25/02 10:40:02 PM

What are those dots for?
Post #59,835
10/28/02 8:42:03 AM

Fortran flashbacks?
Post #59,847
10/28/02 9:55:15 AM

Post #59,489
10/25/02 5:13:17 PM

Re: priceless.
Stop arguing with this ****ol*, er idiot, er whatever.
Post #59,596
10/26/02 1:37:04 AM

I'll take a piece of this non-action.
You may read tea leaves, scan money velocities or sacrifice a burger-flipper to Adam Smith - and decide which market indicators you believe.
I'll go with the psyche of the Leaders, their plans, the mood of the workers [thus buyers of Stuff] about: tax rebates for the rich + Billions of their retirement funds absconded with, and only a token few eventually being show-'tried' (all while knowing fershure that: the biz-stolen funds won't ever be returned).
Bet proposed: One year 10/25/03 - the economy is further down than it is today - by recognized rococo biz-speak categories thoroughly exhausting the Econ-significance of the word down. USD 20 ?
Got that famous courage of convictions ? Otherwise, neither opinion is worth that (at least measurable) pitcher of warm spit\ufffd
Ashton Buggsy S. LLC
In the final analysis everything depends on everything else Ashleigh Brilliant
Post #59,607
10/26/02 8:58:28 AM

Pick your indicators. Use English
You were born...and so you're Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson
Post #59,641
10/26/02 5:07:52 PM

Net take-home pay of the lowest 25%
- corrected for inflation (even by That nicely arcane and loaded formula du jour).
Post #59,658
10/26/02 7:30:14 PM

Oooh...nice one ;)
You were born...and so you're Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson
Post #59,139
10/24/02 2:10:19 PM

Alot of places like that.
Philly is also one...with the loss of the Naval Shipyard.
Those jobs (along with several of my neighbors) moved to South Carolina and Virginia.
But we picked up a few hundred at Boeing down the road.
Whats happening in St Louis is happening in other places...and there are other locations that are strapped for talent. The average is still better than the historical averages. >That< fact doesn't help anyone in St Louis (or East St Louis which needs it more)...but it helps in other locations.
The micro sucks. The macro isn't as bad. That doesn't make pay the "micro's" bills, however.
You were born...and so you're Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson
Post #59,220
10/24/02 6:12:52 PM

the "just in time" labor model same as for parts
No use keeping folks around if they arnt billable so contracting is the new model. thanx, bill
will work for cash and other incentives [link||skill set]
"Therefore, by objective standards, the leading managers of the U.S. economy...are collectively, clinically insane." Lyndon LaRouche