Post #46,485
7/23/02 9:05:13 AM

As in "Consistency is the...."
I was talking about borland sidekick (see, I can leave off caps on other words, too). I was replying to a post about text editors. What, you've never seen a thread change topics in midstream before?
"...the problem with the French is that they don\ufffdt have a word for entrepreneur."
George W. Bush
Post #46,556
7/23/02 4:34:40 PM

That is what I thought you said
not everyone capitalizes nouns, or there may have been a typo.
Why would someone call the program a sidekick anyway? It just didn't make sense to me, so the nearest thing I could think of was a program named sidekick.
I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
Post #46,662
7/24/02 3:11:33 AM

Well ex-bloody-squeeze the Hell outta me for knowing English
Norm plaintively bleats, Why would someone call the program a sidekick anyway? Because they found it to be an ever-ready, trusted companion, perhaps? That's what the word *means*, AFAIK[*]. It just didn't make sense to me, so the nearest thing I could think of was a program named sidekick. Yeah, well, so you happened to be right and I wrong... But that's not *my* fault; rather, it seems to be just because Don's command of English is as limited as yours.
[*]: OK, so if I'm wrong... Then ex-fucking-squeeze the bloody Hell outta me for *thinking* I know the nuances of English. Ya want we should talk Swedish in stead, eh?
Christian R. Conrad Microsoft is a true reflection of Bill Gates' personality - the sleaziest, most unethical, ugliest little rat's ass the world has seen unto this time. -- [link||Andrew Grygus]
Post #46,667
7/24/02 6:10:15 AM

Oh no, you're never wrong
even when you are plainly and obviously wrong, you are never wrong. Oh not you, never you. Must be my fault, yeah that's it, that's the ticket. Blame it all on me and my limited knowledge of the English language. Heck why don't you also blame my depression, which apparently affects my abilities to comprehend plain and ordinary English, of which you seem to find a hidden meaning for everything even if it is not there and not so obvious.
Swedish? No thanks, don't speak it. Bork bork bork bork! That's all I know, gathered from the Swedish Chef from "The Muppet Show". Not sure what it means, but it was funny at the time about 25 years ago. I only speak two languages, English and Bad English.
I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
Post #46,681
7/24/02 8:01:14 AM

Well, I'm glad somebody *finally* realizes that! :-)
Post #46,682
7/24/02 8:08:05 AM

wasnt sidekick the program
a dos utility that allowed printing of 2 pages per landcaped sheet of paper? Now you both can be write. :) thanx, bill
."Once, in the wilds of Afghanistan, I had to subsist on food and water for several weeks." W.C. Fields
Post #46,683
7/24/02 8:10:37 AM

I think that was "Sideways"
or some name like it. Landscape printing should have been built into the software from the git go.
I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
Post #46,685
7/24/02 8:22:58 AM

If you remember back when
that you would have to program in escape sequences so the printer would change attributes. PCL came along to annoy the postscript folks and /127 followed by ascii characters would setup a dot matrix for different paper sizes, fonts and feeds. thanx, bill
."Once, in the wilds of Afghanistan, I had to subsist on food and water for several weeks." W.C. Fields
Post #46,737
7/24/02 1:27:39 PM

I remember farther
I remember people trying to use Epson printers with Apple // systems and getting "8EON" or something like that on the first page of the printout because Apple had hardcoded the Imagewriter Init string into Appleworks and the Epson didn't like it.
I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
Post #46,690
7/24/02 9:31:52 AM

Squeezing bloody hell out of you for being dead wrong
Edit (capitalized or not) was NEVER useful enough to be a sidekick. Wordbitch, er, I mean, Wordstar was a joy to use compared to the DOS edit. And since there was a program actually NAMED Sidekick, it makes no sense whatsoever to even think of, associate, cross-link, or otherwise twist the brain to even think of edit as "sidekick".
Famous last RPG quotes: "I'll just shoot this fireball down the dungeon passageway..."
Post #46,696
7/24/02 9:53:22 AM

Yeah, yeah... Lurve ya too, Jungle-Face.
Ya know what just struck me?
The reason your front garden is so weedy and overgrown that you complain about it all the time... probably that you set a bad example for it with yer face!
Christian R. Conrad Microsoft is a true reflection of Bill Gates' personality - the sleaziest, most unethical, ugliest little rat's ass the world has seen unto this time. -- [link||Andrew Grygus]
Post #46,661
7/24/02 3:03:09 AM

Yeah, yeah, we all have 'em - tho mine's called Literacy.;^)