came out in MS-DOS 5.0 and used QBASIC.EXE's editor. QBASIC.EXE being Quick BASIC.
[link||[link||]] for more info.
It was basically GWBASIC on steroids. A move towards Visual BASIC, without the GUI or Forms. It allowed BASIC code without line numbers and had a bit of structure to it.
If you want the old DOS utilities that included Quick BASIC, then download:
[link||[link||http://www.microsof...d/olddos.exe]] they don't come with Windows anymore, except in that "OLDDOS" directory on Windows 98, etc.
Fixed OLDDOS.EXE link, found the new location of the download.
The old DOS based BBSes use to hold contests as to who could write the best QBASIC program. Last version of QBASIC was 4.5, IIRC.