Yes, but I'm accustomed to people "presuming".
Example: a few years back some bank from the effete environs of San Francisco decided to invade the Southern California market. They considered bears to be symbolic of their bank, and swarmed LA County with billboards featuring the image of a bear, and the statement "Bears? in Southern California?".
They're gone now.
Yes, we have plenty of bears here, and they love our swimming pools and hot tubs. They are polite bears, though, and, if you wave them away, they will usually leave, without even asking for a towel.
And, a fun note on how things change, even within a lifetime.
When I was in Junior High, oh, so many years ago, so many that it's now called "middle school". A teacher gave an example of the difference between a metropolitan city and a cosmopolitan city by comparing Los Angeles to San Francisco.
Today, Los Angeles is the Capital of the Pacific Rim, and handling a full 1/3 of the entire country's foreign commerce - and San Francisco is a quaint tourist destination.
But they have bears up there, right?