And, with twenty years on you, neither can I, although technically I was born a few months in advance of her coronation.
When she pegs out, she’ll be the last world figure I can remember from my single-digit years: Eisenhower, Kennedy, Churchill, De Gaulle, Macmillan, Adenauer, Khrushchev, Castro, Nehru, Mao, Nasser, Franco, Ben Gurion, Hammarskjöld…all gone. I think a little bit of me will die with the monarch.
When she pegs out, she’ll be the last world figure I can remember from my single-digit years: Eisenhower, Kennedy, Churchill, De Gaulle, Macmillan, Adenauer, Khrushchev, Castro, Nehru, Mao, Nasser, Franco, Ben Gurion, Hammarskjöld…all gone. I think a little bit of me will die with the monarch.